Monday, May 4, 2009


Not 24 hours away from handing in my thesis, I would like to thank the following distractions.

My girlfriend.
Google - every service
My XBox 360, and to a lesser extent XBox Live
The Vienna Symphonic Library
Mozart, for all those damned piano conertos.
Beethoven, for those frickin' sonatas.
Microsoft's ''Age of Empires''
Broadband for providing the means to play Age of Empires over our home network.
My pc for being old and creaky, in particular the tcp/ip stack which recently became corrupt and allowed me countless hours of fun playing 'registry chicken'

And finally,, for providing me with the opportunity to spend more time procrastinating by listing the things I do to procrastinate. I call this circular procrastination.

I'll finish this later. Maybe.